The first words that come to mind when you think of cars in England are "luxury" and "prestige". The Jaguar, Aston Martin and Lotus sports cars, as well as the representative Rolls Royce and Bentley cars, have won the hearts of rich people all over the world. English premium class cars have a refined and sophisticated style, which has a long established tradition. The uniqueness of British cars is the optimal price and quality ratio. English racing cars are very popular, especially in motor racing. Aston Martin is a British car manufacturer specialising in the production of racing cars. McLaren is engaged in the production of English racing cars based on sports car technologies.


It is one of the leading automotive companies in the United Kingdom, specialising in the production of sports cars, which have always stood out among other representatives of the automotive industry for their dynamic and racing characteristics. John Weller and John Portvayn were the founders of AC Cars Ltd.


It is a British car manufacturer, specialized in the production of racing cars. It was founded in 2000 by John Hewitt and Keith Wood. Its logo is a stylized image of the words "AEON Sportcars".

Aston Martin

The English sports car Aston Martin was founded by Lionel Martin. The Aston Martin DBS is the icon of English sports cars thanks to a James Bond. The English sports car is as unshakeable a translation as tea at five o'clock. The brand name is enclosed in stylized wings, symbolizing speed. The first option of the logo was a fusion of two capital letters A and M in a circle. Later, the wings borrowed from the Bentley, but modernized and the name; David Brown (the owner of the brand in the period since 1947) were added.


"Pure art, a real spirit!" the baseline emphasizes. The wings, which are in the centre of the capital letter "V", symbolize the speed, power and independence of the company. Each type of vehicle has its own colour with the symbolism of the logo: black is typical for high-end vehicles, green is for cash races and red is for more sophisticated models.


In early 2014, Caterham introduced a new company logo, resembling a British flag, but maintaining its traditional green colour from the original version. In 1970, Graham Nirn's new owner bought Lotus' right to produce the Seven cars. So the sports car was renamed Caterham Super Seven, and the symbol "seven" was long present in the manufacturer's emblem.


Jaguar is one of the rare British car brands. The Royal Range Rover sold by Prince William is a rare British car. The Jaguar E-type is widely considered to be one of the rarest English cars. The memorable emblem of the company, which is represented by a jaguar bouncing, was developed by an artist F. Gordon Crosby. The jaguar figurine is not a mandatory accessory, as it is prohibited in many countries. Jaguar Cars is controlled by Volkswagen Group. The company is engaged in the production of luxury cars and sedans with a unique and elegant design. A distinctive feature of Jaguar cars is the exceptionally luxurious interior and powerful engine.

Land Rover

Land Rover produces off-road vehicles. The company is part of the Ford Corporation. The brand logo is easily recognizable, despite its modesty: the company's name is indicated on a dark green background. The company's coat of arms is represented in the form of a sailboat bowsprit, dissecting the waves, which is framed by a knight shield.


The number, represented on the Lotus company logo, contains the initials of its founder - Anthony Colin Bruce Chapman. The colours of the logo - green and yellow - are the colours of racing cars. The Lotus Cars Company produces the cars and is a component of the Lotus Group. The brand produces single-seater and sports cars and will enter into an alliance with the company to address the issue of small series of exclusive cars.


McLaren Automotive Company Limited was founded in 1989. It is engaged in the production of road cars based on sports car technology. The brand is part of the McLaren Group. The brand logo is presented in the form of a stylized McLaren white lettering on a black background with a red apostrophe in the upper right corner.


The Mini is the small English car that set out to conquer the world. The small English car is generating a craze that we all want to try it. For example, the Mini represents the fabulous success of the small English car. The brand emblem of these cars represents a reasonable value for money, efficiency and capacity. The company is a subsidiary of the BMW automotive group. It produces vehicles designed for the mass market. In 2011, a modified version of the retro Mini Countryman was produced. Mr Bean and Madonna prefer cars of this brand.


Rolls-Royce, which has two letters "R" superimposed on each other and enclosed in rectangles on its logo, produces high-end cars. Only the black and white colours are used in the emblem. It was decided to call the brand by the name Rolls-Royce in 1904. It was an agreement between its creators - Frederick Henry Royce and Charles Stewart Rolls. Since 1998, BMW has been the owner of the brand.


The British car company Rover was founded in 1887. John Kemp Starley and William Sutton were the founders of the company. In 2010, the American group Ford bought the company. To date, the production of cars under the brand has been discontinued. The Rover emblem shows a Viking ship called a drakkar. The logo changed several times until the modern variant. The first logo of the company had the Viking theme, which was expressed through the image of the weapons used by warriors - a spear or battle axe. The drakkar began to be represented on the brand's car logo in 1929. The modern version of the Rover company logo appeared in 1990.